If you're a person with no sense of direction, as many people admittedly do, having a portable GPS can really help them get out of a "lost" situation. Not only are these devices very affordable, but one can get low-cost or even free GPS software which they can use - provided they heed all the warning bells and whistles.
The following takes you on a brief overview of portable GPS navigators and software with the aim of guiding prospective buyers where to look and what to look for with such devices. While many just dive right in and download all the free software that they could get their hands on, there are certain considerations that you should know before making moves - and avoid the risk of getting into trouble.
Understanding Portable GPS Navigators
A portable GPS navigator is a handheld device equipped with a navigation system that can track the position of the user. While the inner workings of such device may seem too technical for many, its many features in getting you to where you're going are truly remarkable. It can also give street-level information of establishments and landmarks in your vicinity, particularly useful if you're in an unfamiliar part of town or in another city.
These devices have become so popular due to their high portability that makes them useful for hikers and mountain climbers. The latest devices are packed with a lot of features including text-to-speech capabilities, with the device literally telling you where you are, as well as other features like video and mp3 playing capabilities.
Wholesale Chinese Portable GPS Providers and Copyright Infringement
The emergence of Chinese wholesale sources have brought an avalanche of low-cost but fully featured portable GPS devices in the market, giving higher-end brands like the Dutch Tomtom GPS products a run for its money. People availing of such devices enjoy the convenience of shopping online at wholesale prices, a wide variety of products to choose from, and with many distributors offering free shipping.
In terms of functionality, features and hardware, Chinese wholesale portable GPS units are not much different with the more popular brands. Aside from the significant difference in price ranges, one major difference lie in the navigation software, with devices like Tomtom running on proprietary software while Chinese counterparts don't usually include an installed software to minimize cost. This is where the problems would usually start.
Many of these wholesale products are guilty of software infringements or running on unlicensed copies of operating software. Software infringement is still commonplace in China, with most of these manufacturers operating without restraint. The government however, is now making efforts in cracking down offenders.
If you bought a China-made portable GPS device, chances are you will need to install the appropriate GPS software to make it work. There are two options available for you: download and purchase proprietary licensed software; or download one from free resources.
Sources and Warnings when Getting Free Portable GPS Software
In most cases, software offered by branded portable GPS device manufacturers comes with a free trial period. You can try out which application would be best suited for your needs and if you're satisfied you can purchase the full version and keep on using the software.
If you want to save money, there are free GPS applications available which you can use. There is one offered by Waze Mobile although it is not guaranteed to work on all China-made models. You can also make use of open source alternatives. These applications will work well with your devices although some may be limited in features like the availability of certain maps. Just type in "open source portable GPS software" on your browsers and get a good listing of open source applications that you can use.
Still, there are other resources that offer free downloads of cracked or hacked versions of commercial applications. Most of these cracked software applications are available on warez, torrents, and file-sharing sites. Just type in "free portable GPS software" or "cracked portable GPS software" on your browsers and get a listing of download links.
Downloads can either come as a stand-alone application which you can use right away, or it can come with a separate key generator which will unlock the full version of the application. However, users considering such approach would be vulnerable to malware risks which can bring it a load of viruses and Trojans into their system. Aside from that, choosing this path will get you involved in a criminal activity like piracy!
Making Your Move
There are several options for you to choose from when you consider getting yourself a portable GPS device or software. You can spend a little more and get genuine, high quality products, or you can opt to go cheap and go for the pirated route - as long as you are ready to face all the risks!
Rabu, 27 April 2011
How to unlock Iphone4 having iOS 3.1.3 upto 4.0
Note: This guide is for iPhone 4 running iOS 3.1.3 to 4.0.
Well for others having iOS 3.1.3 upto 4.0 on their iPhone 4s, instructions are as follows. The credit for this unlock solution for iPhone 4 goes to iPhone Dev Team. Without engaging you in more details, I’d guide you through 10 steps to unlock your iPhone 4. It shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes but make sure that you have iOS 3.1.3 up to 4.0.
Let’s start :
1. Connect your iPhone 4 to a wi-fi network. No 3G please.
2. Open the Safari browser on your iPhone 4.
3. Go to Jailbreakme.com and jailbreak your iPhone 4. Make sure you have the iPhone firmware 3.1.3 to 4.0. No less than 3.1.3, no 4.x.
4. Now go to Settings>General>Network and turn off 3G.
5. Now that you have jailbroken, you have ‘cydia’ installed on your iPhone 4. Press the home button and find ‘cydia’ in your apps in the springboard.
6. In cydia go to search and type ‘ultrasn0w‘. If you are presented with version 1.0.1 or higher skip to step 10 below. If the ultrasn0w version is less than 1.0.1, follow all the steps below.
7. You can’t unlock your iPhone 4 with an ultrasn0w version less than 1.0.1. You’d then need to bring over 1.0.1. For that purpose, press the ‘Manage‘ button at the bottom, select Sources>Edit>add. Then type ‘repo666.ultrasn0w.com’ in the text field without qouts.
8. Reboot your iPhone 4.
9. Go to cydia again, search for ultrasn0w. It must be on version 1.0.1 or higher now.
10. Now press the install button to install ultrasn0w.
11. Your iPhone 4 is now unlocked! Cheers!
What should you do next?
Now that you have your iPhone 4 unlocked, upgrade it to iOS 4.3 without losing the unlock!
Well for others having iOS 3.1.3 upto 4.0 on their iPhone 4s, instructions are as follows. The credit for this unlock solution for iPhone 4 goes to iPhone Dev Team. Without engaging you in more details, I’d guide you through 10 steps to unlock your iPhone 4. It shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes but make sure that you have iOS 3.1.3 up to 4.0.
Let’s start :
1. Connect your iPhone 4 to a wi-fi network. No 3G please.
2. Open the Safari browser on your iPhone 4.
3. Go to Jailbreakme.com and jailbreak your iPhone 4. Make sure you have the iPhone firmware 3.1.3 to 4.0. No less than 3.1.3, no 4.x.
4. Now go to Settings>General>Network and turn off 3G.
5. Now that you have jailbroken, you have ‘cydia’ installed on your iPhone 4. Press the home button and find ‘cydia’ in your apps in the springboard.
6. In cydia go to search and type ‘ultrasn0w‘. If you are presented with version 1.0.1 or higher skip to step 10 below. If the ultrasn0w version is less than 1.0.1, follow all the steps below.
7. You can’t unlock your iPhone 4 with an ultrasn0w version less than 1.0.1. You’d then need to bring over 1.0.1. For that purpose, press the ‘Manage‘ button at the bottom, select Sources>Edit>add. Then type ‘repo666.ultrasn0w.com’ in the text field without qouts.
8. Reboot your iPhone 4.
9. Go to cydia again, search for ultrasn0w. It must be on version 1.0.1 or higher now.
10. Now press the install button to install ultrasn0w.
11. Your iPhone 4 is now unlocked! Cheers!
What should you do next?
Now that you have your iPhone 4 unlocked, upgrade it to iOS 4.3 without losing the unlock!
How to make money from bloggers | The best method from me
I hope you are well and have a nice day. Today I want to tell you something about " How you can make a website from Bloggers.com and make money online with Google Adsense ".
Last week, I received more emails of my friends out of my country. They asked me the question " Google did not accept my website? what can I do?. Some other friends asked: I was completed 3 months but no reply from Google adsense teams .
I send all my methods that I did myself. If you follow my method, you will get the approve from Google adsense. I will recommend as the following:
Step 1: Make sure that you have new Gmail account.
Step 2: Sign up in http://www.blogger.com and create a new blogger for you. You have to choose whatever you interesting in. Put articles at least 20 articles. You must not to worry about if you don't have expert for writing articles. I will give my favorite website that you can get all articles to put it into your blogger and make sure that you have to put the recourse article links. Just go to http://ezinearticles.com/ .
Step 3: Choose your favorite category from http://ezinearticles.com/ . I will choose Food and Drink as I am given you an example. Then find the latest new articles and then put it into your blogger.com
Step 4: Submit your blogger to Google adsense from here https://www.google.com/adsense/g-app-single-1?hl=en-GB and make sure that you have to put the correct of your full name and your address because it is very important to receive your money from Western Union or Cheque to your post mail.
This is all my methods that I mentioned above and I followed and then I got adsense account. This is my website from bloggers.com here you can see http://ilovecreateawebsite.blogspot.com/
10 Tips&Triks; Google Adsense
1. Buat yg belum apply Google Adsense (GA) atau sering ditolak apply di adsense, mungkin bisa memulai dengan membuat Blog berbahasa Inggris di www2.blogger.com - Update setidaknya 1 - 2 Minggu kalau dah OK baru apply GA. Langkah ini kemungkinan berhasil 90% dengan catatan situs anda bukan situs illegal (hacker, porno, download crack) dan sejenisnya serta situs juga harus sering di-update
2. Sebaiknya situs anda ber-bahasa Inggris kalau Indonesia atau campuran biasanya akan jarang keluar text-ads-nya Google, yg keluar 99% iklan layanan (bisa diakalin tapi melanggar TOS - Terms of servises) kecuali situs anda sudah tahunan (lebih dari 1 - 2 tahun) baru keluar iklan bahasa Indo kalau yg campuran kadang-kadang bisa Indo dan juga bisa Inggris dan kadang-kadang bisa keluar "iklan layanan"
3. Jgn sekali-kali anda mencurangin Google karena cepat atau lambat anda pasti ketahuan, baca TOS dahulu karena tiap 3 - 6 bulan sekali pasti ada ketentuan baru yg makin hari saya lihat makin rumit... 90% yg punya GA pasti pernah melakukan kecurangan baik di sengaja ataupun tdk, yg paling sering curang pasti akan di ban, kl yang jarang paling diperingatin terlebih dahulu
4. Bagi yg ingin meningkatkan traffic situsnya secara gratis bisa memakai cara:
- - Daftar di semua situs search engine terutama Google, Yahoo dan MSN (lakukan tiap 2 Minggu)
- Tukeran link / banner dgn sesama situsKirim e-mail ke yg kenal-kenal saja (jangan spam) atau cantumkan signature di e-mail anda
- Pakai signature situs anda ketika posting di forum
- Mailing list kadang-kadang bisa membantu (jangan spam juga)
- Update situs dan buat semenarik dan se-informatif mungkin sehingga menarik minat utk yg masuk
- Lakukan cara apapun asal jangan SPAM & tdk melanggar TOS GA
6. Jangan anda melakukan spam di manapun utk promosi situs karena saya sendiri jg benci spam dan yg spam biasanya reputasi situsnya akan jelek walau trafik meningkat sebentar tp utk jangka panjang akan berefek tidak baik dan situs anda akan di "blacklist". Jangan jadi orang yang menyebalkan karena netter Indo sudah banyak di cap dgn reputasi buruk di internet sebagai netter yg suka hacker, bajak hak cipta, nipu bangsa sendiri dan yg terakhir mulai suka SPAM
7. Anda bisa affiliate dgn clickbank, amazon atau yg lainnya utk nambah penghasilan situs anda. Posisi penempatan iklan yang tepat, tampilan situs dan berita yang sering di-update juga bisa menjadikan keuntungan tersendiri buat anda
8. Sebaiknya situs anda mempunyai akhiran .com .net karena kalau cuma blogspot dari Google akan sangat banyak saingan utk saat ini dan jarang masuk ranking top ten kecuali anda menemukan kata-kata yg unik untuk itu atau situs anda sangat informatif dan berita yg diberikan situs anda bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Kalaupun demikian butuh waktu lama utk bisa di posisi atas kecuali anda iklankan situs anda
9. Anda sebaiknya harus punya hobi menulis artikel karena kalau tidak situs anda hanya berisi informasi yg diambil dari situs orang lain dan rating anda akan lamban naiknya kalaupun anda ambil dari situs org lain dan terus anda edit dan perbagus, harap cantumin sumber dari berita anda karena ini adalah kode etik jurnalis. Artikel saya saja di internet juga sering dibajak orang tanpa mencamtumkan sumbernya dr mana. Belajarlah berbagi dan saling menghargai sesama netter, kalau anda termasuk orang yang suka membajak, yah mohon dikurangi dan lama-lama dihilangkan...
10. Hal terakhir yg paling penting adalah "jangan pernah menyerah" karena semua orang dan saya juga memulai dari nol. Segala sesuatu selalu ada permulaannya. Belajar, belajar dan belajar adalah kunci utama kalau mau sukses di bidang ini dan saya juga masih melakukannya hingga hari ini
Making money from Internet : Myth or Fact ?
There are many online business opportunities available on the internet and the majority of them are scams. There are some good internet businesses but it can be difficult for somebody looking for an online opportunity to ascertain the ones that work from the myriads of get rich quick schemes.
Do not be fooled by all the schemes that advertise get rich quick schemes with only a few hours of work each week. In reality an online business is just like every other business in that hard work, long hours, determination to succeed and perseverance are required.
Here are typical headlines that one sees when searching for an online business opportunity:
"I made $35,000 last week and I only worked 5 hours!"
"Work Online from Home and make $20K a Month - 100% Proven & Guaranteed!"
"Make $1,000,000 in 6 Months - The Easy Way!"
"Work Online from Home and make $20K a Month - 100% Proven & Guaranteed!"
"Make $1,000,000 in 6 Months - The Easy Way!"
Do not be taken in by these headlines. If it was possible to make so much money so quickly and in such a short time would they actually reveal the secret to you for "Only $229"?
And why is that they only have limited opportunities available at this price? "BUY NOW" they scream as "THIS SECRET IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A SELECTED FEW!"
So how does one find the real gem from the millions of opportunities currently being advertised?
The following guidelines can help when checking out the business potential of any internet business:
Are real products being sold?
I am amazed at how many businesses purely make money by recruiting more people who recruit more people without any products being sold. Stay well clear of these types of businesses.
What is the market for the products...
and just as important the competition?
If the market is as large as it is claimed to be and if every man and his dog are selling the same products, you can bet your life that it will not work for you!
How many people are making money doing this business?
Is it possible to speak to them? You do not want to speak to somebody a million miles away who possesses lovely pictures of his Lear Jet and his fancy yacht! Is there somebody nearby who is running the business successfully?
Where are the headquarters?
It is a good idea to never buy a business where the headquarters are situated in a country where there are no clear business regulations in place. Better still only talk to businesses that are located in the same country as you! It is far easier to then sue the business for fraud if that is what actually happened.
If the people marketing the online opportunity do have the right answers for each of the above questions then it is now time to get expert advice from an experienced accountant who has knowledge of the internet.
Do not use a rookie who has just qualified from university but has no real business experience! If the (experienced) accountant agrees that it is a viable business opportunity then you have possibly found the right business opportunity.
It also makes sense to speak to other successful business people when evaluating any opportunity. If you do not know anybody, then blog about it on business forums like Ecademy and analyse the responses carefully.
It is possible to make a decent living if the right internet business is chosen followed by some serious effort and determination. Starting a new business is not for the faint hearted but can make more money long term than working for others.
best marketing concept
A professor was explaining marketing concepts to the students:-
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say:
"I am very rich. Marry me!" - That's Direct Marketing
2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous
girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says:
"He's very rich. Marry him." -That's Advertising
3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her
telephone number. The next day, you call and say:
"Hi, I'm very rich. Marry me." - That's Telemarketing
4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and
straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you
open the door (of the car)for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say :
"By the way, I'm rich. Will you marry me?" - That's Public Relations
5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says:
"You are very rich! Can you marry ! me?" - That's Brand Recognition
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say:
"I am very rich. Marry me!" She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. - That's Customer Feedback
7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say:
"I am very rich. Marry me!" And she introduces you to her husband. - That's demand and supply gap
8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything,
another person come and tell her:
"I'm rich. Will you marry me?" and she goes with him - That's competition eating into your market share
9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say:
"I'm rich, Marry me!" your wife arrives . - That's restriction for entering new markets.
Rabu, 20 April 2011
Asus A42N – VX085D, Notebook Murah dari ASus
Asus baru baru ini kembali menghadirkan produk terbaru mereka yaitu 42N-VX085D, notebook ini menggunakan prosesor AMD Turion™ II Dual-Core P520 (2.3 GHz, Cache 1 MB), untuk memory menggunakan 2 GB DDR3 SODIMM PC-8500 dengan maksimal 8 GB, dan Hardisk 500 GB Serial ATA 5400 RPM, DVD RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA ATi Radeon HD4200, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Non OS
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HP-Compaq 2230s, Notebook Ultra Ringan
HP atau Hewlett-Packard, salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang computer and elektronik, akan meluncurkan bisnis notebook “ultralight” yang dibuat menggunakan dasar Intel Centrino 2 silicon. Notebook tersebut dinamakan HP-Compaq 2230s, dengan layar 12.1 inch, satu paket dengan processor Centrino 2 dan chipset grafis Intel terbaru, GMA 4500MHD, sehingga membuat notebook HP tersebut masuk ke dalam daftar notebook yang berkemampuan Microsoft DirectX 10.
Salah satu kelebihan dari HP-Compaq 2230s, adalah beratnya yang sangat ringan sekitar 4 pound atau sekitar 1,8 kg. HP-Compaq 2230s datang dengan harga USD 1,499 dengan processor Intel Core 2 Duo T5670 (1,8GHz), memori 3GB, sebuah harddisk 320GB, koneksi wireless 801.11n, drive DVD+/-RW. Spesifikasi lain termasuk port tiga USB, port interface multimedia (HDMI), baterai 4 cell lithium-ion, dan koneksi jaringan Marvell Ethernet (10/100/1000).
Operating system support:
- Genuine Windows Vista® Business 321
- Genuine Windows Vista Business with
- Genuine Windows® XP Professional
- Genuine Windows Vista Home Basic 321
- FreeDOS
- SuSe Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
- Intel® CoreTM2 Duo2 (up to 2.8 GHz, 6 MB L2 cache)
- Intel Celeron (up to 2.16 GHz, 1 MB L2 cache)
- Chipset : Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset ICH9M-Enhanced
- Memori : Memory9 DDR2 SDRAM 800 MHz, two slots supporting dual channel memory, 1024/2048/4096 MB SODIMMs, up to 8192 MB
- Internal Storage6 120/160/250/320 GB 5400 rpm SATA hard drive (with HP 3D DriveGuard)
- Removable Storage3 Fixed 12.7-mm SATA optical drive: DVD+/–RW SuperMulti DL LightScribe Drive, DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive, DVD-ROM Drive
Feature :
- Graphics Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD, up to 384 MB of shared system memory 7
- Audio High Definition Audio, stereo speakers, stereo headphone/line out, stereo microphone in, integrated dual-microphone array
- Input device Full-sized keyboard, touchpad with scroll zone
- Wireless support4,5 Intel 802.11a/b/g/n draft 2.0, Broadcom 802.11a/b/g/n draft 2.0, b/g, Bluetooth™ 2.0, HP Wireless Assistant
- Communications Marvell Ethernet (10/100/1000 NIC), 56K v.92 modem
- Expansion slots 1 ExpressCard/34 slot, Secure Digital (SD) slot
- Ports and connectors 3 USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, VGA, stereo microphone in, stereo headphone/line out, power connector, RJ-11/modem
- RJ-45/ethernet
Security Standard:
- HP ProtectTools, HP Fingerprint Sensor, Enhanced Pre-Boot Security, HP Spare Key, HP Disk Sanitizer, Enhanced
- Drive Lock, Drive Encryption for HP ProtectTools, Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools, File Sanitizer for HP ProtectTools
- Kensington lock, McAfee Security Solution10 (Optional)
Weight : 4.07 lb / 1.85 kg
Battery : Power 4-cell (37 WHr) Lithium-Ion battery, 65W HP Smart AC Adapter, HP Fast Charge7
Warranty : 1-year
Selasa, 19 April 2011
Is kanban that?
Function KanbanKanban functions can be described as follows:1. Induce labor initiatives in the field2. As a means of controlling information3. Controlling inventory4. Adding a sense of belonging among workers5. Simplify management mechanisms work6. Allows management to visually work in the field
Kanban is a tool to achieve production of the JIT (just in time). It is a card that is usually placed on rectangular vinyl envelope. Two commonly used types of kanban yanmg: kanban demand (withdrawal kanban) and kanban production orders (production-ordering kanban). Kanban request specifies the type and number of products where a further process must request from the previous process, while the production ordering kanban specifies the type and amount of product from the previous process ynag must be produced. Production-ordering Kanban is often called in-process Kanban or simply kanban production.
Kanban other types also exist. To make a request from the vendor / supplier, used kanban supplier (supplier kanban). Kanban dealers dealer containing instructions subcontracting request which will deliver spare parts. Furthermore, to specify the production lot in diecasting, punchpress, or forging process, a kanban signal is used. There are two types of kanban signals, namely: Triangular, and kanban kanban kanban prosecution material. Triangular Kanban is made of metal and quite heavy, medium-kanban material prosecution specify point-re-ordering of material needs.
Kanban RulesTo realize the purpose of the kanban JIT, the following rules must be followed:
1. The process continued to draw the necessary product of the previous process in the required amount of time required.
The successful application of this rule relies on the guarantee of workers that the system is useful and easy to administer. This rule will probably be found with many obstacles because it requires a complete change from the previous production system.
Subaturan which become part of this rule are:o Any withdrawals without going through the kanban should be bannedo Any withdrawals are greater than the number of kanban lenih should be bannedo A kanban must be attached to the physical product.
Smoothing of production or increase daily production, are necessary conditions for a withdrawal and small-lot production of a continuous process, and most important is to apply the rule 1. Smoothing of production, for example: only if diterpakan kanban system to attract foreign subcontract parts of the company, then the kanban is a very dangerous weapon and uses the original will be lost. Subcontractors need of supplies, equipment, and manpower in large numbers to respond to fluctuating demand from manufacturers.However, even if a rule is applied, JIT production can not easily be achieved because the kanban system is simply a tool dispatching to the actual production activities every day in every process. Before entering the phase of dispatching jobs with kanban, the overall planning of the entire plant must be made in advance.
2. Previous process must produce their products in the amounts withdrawn by the next processWhen the kanban rules 1 and 2 were observed, all of the production process so that it becomes a kind of combined transport lines. Balancing of production time on all processes will be maintained by strictly observing the rules. If a problem arises in any process, the whole process may stop, but the balance between the processes is maintained. Therefore, the Toyota production system is a structure to realize an ideal transportation lines and kanban as a tool that connects all the processes. As a result, inventories are kept by each of the previous process will terminimisasi. Subaturan for the second rule is:o The production is greater than the number of sheets should be banned kanbano When the various parts of parts will be produced in the previous process, production must follow the original order in which each type of kanban has been delivered
3. Defective products should never be collected into the next processKanban system that would self-destruct unless all three rules are followed. If some parts found defective, the next process in itself makes the line stops for no extra units of inventory and send the defective part to the previous process. Lines like this dismissal of the next process is very clear and visible to everyone. Also, the operation damaged the withdrawal must be eliminated to ensure rhythmic than the previous process. Standardization of work, therefore, one of the requirements mutalk kanban system.
4. The number of kanban must be minimizedBecause the number of kanban inventory reflects the maximum of the parts, it must be cultivated as small as possible. The total amount of each kanban cultivated fixed. Thus, when average daily demand has increased, lead time should be reduced. This requires reduction of cycle time of standard operating routine with changes in the allocation of labor adjustment.
5. Kanban should be used to adapt the demand of small fluctuationsFitting well with the kanban production refers to the most interesting properties of the kanban system: The ability to adapt to sudden changes in demand or production of an emergency. Companies that do not use kanban system will lack a vehicle to act on it, unexpected changes in demand. Centralized control system used to determine production schedules and issue simultaneous production process, therefore, a sudden change in demand will require at least seven to ten day interval before the schedule can be updated and issued to the factory, the interval time for the computer to compile and calculate the new data. As a result, various production will face disconnection from time to time, mashing the changing needs of production; This issue will form a production process that is less smooth.
Companies that use the kanban system, on the other hand, does not release detailed production simultaneously to the previous process for a month.; Each process can only know what is produced when the production-ordering kanban is released from the container in storage. Only final assembly line receiving circuit for daily production schedule and the schedule is displayed on a computer that specifies that each unit will be assembled next. As a result, although the monthly planning a predetermined requesting creation of six units of A and four B units a day, this comparison can be behind at the end of the day.
Function KanbanKanban functions can be described as follows:1. Induce labor initiatives in the field2. As a means of controlling information3. Controlling inventory4. Adding a sense of belonging among workers5. Simplify management mechanisms work6. Allows management to visually work in the field
Model Kanban
Formula Number of Kanban:(The number of Kanban) = (average demand during lead time) + (safety stock) / (Container capacity)
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